Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Manufacturer : SAMSUNG

Software Name : ES-Tool (The Drive Diagnostic Utility)
File name : estool_FDD.zip
File size : 729 KB
Version : v2.11t
Pulish Date : (01.14.2009)
Description : ES Tool (The Drive Diagnostic Utility) is made with the aim of testing a Samsung hard disk drive while it is installed inside a PC, regardless of the status of user's operating system. In fact of the drives returned to Samsung, a large percentage are NTF("No Trouble Found") after testing. So it is strongly recommended to test the drive if it is truly defective by a few fundamental troubleshooting of ES Tool first, to avoid user's unnecessary effort and inconvenience of replacing a good drive.

Manufacturer : Maxtor Corporation

Software Name : Maxtor PowerMax
File name : PwrMxEn.exe
File size : 1.03 MB
Version : v4.23
Pulish Date : (07.27.2006)
Description : The PowerMax utility is designed to perform diagnostic read/write verifications on Maxtor and Quantum hard drives. These tests will determine hard drive integrity. The PowerMax utility is effective on all ATA (IDE) hard drives with a capacity greater than or equal to 500 MB. Maxtor recommends the use of this utility for troubleshooting potential hard drive problems.

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